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Now Max was retired from daily police work although I did use him twice when I had a need for two dogs while tracking felons in the thick woods at the north end of the county.He got a full academic scholarship to a good college, mostly because of the excellent essay he wrote for the application.Ariela for a moment thought about vaporizing the guard for questioning her motives, but a more sensible part of her understood he was likely just asking so he could assemble a guard fit for whatever duty it would be.And I feel sorry for you.“Do you want to love me?” Diamond whispered, her emerald eyes brimming.Had I told you, you would have backed right out of the deal…….You’ve already turned her, there’s no going back.Holly immediately grabbed her bra and placed it in her purse.Lisa’s expression hardened with determination.Her apparel is accented by a string of white cultured South Sea pearls that once belonged to her great-grandmother.The threat Suzy had made last Saturday still

I whimpered as I fingered her asshole, circling her puckered sphincter.Suddenly she stopped and pulled her hand out of her panties.Wait!"Now bend over like you're getting groceries out of the car," he said, and she could hear the fap-fap-fap of them all jacking off.then gazing down her tattooed thighs to her bright red toenails, ankle chains and tattooed ankles."Aahhh, ooohh yeeahhh, I'm coommmiinnnggg!!!"“There’s a price.”Since you have worked so good for her, she will be your controller now.It hit.Had I otherwise not known I was a guy, I would’ve been fooled.She had heard stories of his self centeredness, his sudden paranoia, and his intense hatred to those that would go against anything he desired.A tidal wave is building within me, and I only hope I can last out the interview and let the orgasm claim me once I’m out of sight of the audience.“You are evaluating what is right or wrong and yet choosing that which is normally wrong because you think it leads to a greater ri

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